Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Holographic

We keep going discovering interesting proposals about customised printed textiles for home decoration. Now, it is time for holographic style.

Holography is also called graphic vision; it is an advanced photography technique that consists in the creation of three-dimensional images, based on light use.

Holographic figures are projected like images in three dimensions. Furthermore, if images are processed and lighted accurately, it will seem they are out of their boundaries.

It can happen outward or inward of the framework. Images can be seen without discontinuities and varying perspectives depending of its position.

This decorative style is also very complete and attractive, in this one can be used warm, cold or neutral shades.

Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Holographic
Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Holographic

Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Holographic

Holographic printed textiles can be really creative, because they allow to develop optical illusions in 3D.

Like source of inspiration, we advise you to follow the French artist, Jean René. He is more known under his pseudonym JR. He is a street artist and photographer, being also known like “underground artist”.

Now, we are showing one of his masterpieces. A fantastique optical illusion makes that the Eiffel Tower will be floating on a wonderful ravine.

Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Holographic
Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Holographic

To simulate this technique applied on textiles, in Manatex we dispose of a functional customising service.

Thanks to our knowhow, we can create customised textiles by printing clients designs.

This printing style is an ideal sample of the perfect textile for your home or company.

As example, our textile proposal for printing under this decorative style is our article Magna.

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