Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Tie-dye and shibori

In this new blog entry, we are going to discover some interesting proposals about customised printed textiles for home decoration: Tie-dye and shibori.

It is a printing with circles or coils usually made in different colours.

Of course, in this style of textile printing rules do not exist rules about colours.

Because of that fact, warmcold or neutral shades can be used.

Tie-dye was born in the 60’s together with the hippie movement that emerged in the USA and it was used as a freedom icon.

As well as home decoration, tie-dye textiles printings can supply a lively touch.

They are ideal for casual style environments especially in bedrooms or living rooms, although they can be used also in some terraces or yards.

Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Tie-dye and shibori
Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Tie-dye and shibori

Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Tie-dye and shibori

This traditional craftsmanship is very similar to Japanese printing shibori.

In this case, we are talking about a manual dyeing procedure by reserve that creates certain patterns in fabrics.

There exist a huge number of patterns to join, to sew, to bend, to twist or to compress a textile to treat it with shibori.

Each one of those generates very different dyeing patterns.

Different methods are used to get determined results, but each one also is used to be in harmony with the textile type used.

Shibori technique will depend on the loved patterns and on the loved textile characteristics to dye.

Two both, tie-dye and shibori are ideal to recycle old textiles and to give them another life.

Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Tie-dye and shibori
Customised printed textiles for home decoration: Tie-dye and shibori

To simulate these techniques, in Manatex we dispose of a versatile customised textile service.

As example, our textile proposal for printing under this decorative style is our article Alpaca.

Photo credit: MNTX

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