Chromatic trends in decorative textiles: Crush pastel (1)

Through this new post on chromatic trends in decorative textiles, we are talking about a new trend called Crush pastel (1).

Citing again the Design Trends Report 22/23 which highlights the idea of the use of feel good effect items to create an optimistic aesthetic, that is creating a future optimistic vision.

This trend tries to go away from conventionalities and proposes to challenge some traditional products. The goal is to research new design home items. Color takes a relevant role as design engine, supplying a boost to create spaces full of life and optimism.

Tendencias cromáticas en textiles decorativos: Crush pastel
Chromatic trends in decorative textiles: Crush pastel (1)

A new decorative trend: crushed pastel colors

This approach offers a reinterpretation of traditional pastel shades. We refer to soft intensity and screaming shades at the same time because of the light these supply.  

Those have the capacity to create little streadent spaces, but intense creating positive energy. The result is an interiorism full of joy, applicable to any home corner or professional space.

This decorative trend renews the concept of pastel shades. Chromatic shades let at one side its classical delicate nature and become completely explosive.

Decorative textiles as main role solution for personal or professional spaces

Going ahead with this decoration trend, Manatex bets by surprising solutions in decorative customized textiles. Our high specialization in high quality textiles and different functional properties is perfect to all types of needs.

Customized decoration textiles can supply an ideal complementary grade with other home or professional spaces features. Its contrast capacity transforms these pieces in essential ways to create unique environments.

In the following post we will go ahead deeping in this crush pastel trend.

Photo credit: MNTX

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